Numerous families want to apply for their parent’s residence visas in a wish to join their adult children and their extended families. Firstly, the Government halted the Parent Visa for review in 2016. Then in 2020, the New Zealand Government again reviewed it, gave new policy criteria, and launched the Visa. But again, it was closed just after two weeks due to the Covid-19 pandemic. So, unfortunately, the sad news for applicants is that the New Zealand Parent Visa delayed again.
Previously, the main reason which became the basis for its delay was, whether the adult children would be able to support their parents financially. And whether they should be allowed to enter the land if they only become an unwanted load for healthcare and social welfare. Later, the reports said that only a fraction of migrants failed to support their parents.
Suspicions about New Zealand First's involvement in the ongoing lack of an announcement during its alliance with Labor started when a New Zealand First MP stated that the category would not reopen till the party was in the Government. The recommendations from Immigration New Zealand's review of the sort were initially due by 2017. Thus, it is also an election manifesto pledge to review the residence visa first before progressing it.
There have been thousands of applications waiting since last August 2021. The oldest application was from 2012. It contains more than 8500 parents with 5463 expressions of interest or EOI who are still waiting to apply. In 2019, it came out that almost 85% of applicants were not eligible for a Visa. It is due to their earnings which are less than $104,000 annually. Also, many applicants match the criteria for this Visa but still are waiting for review.
There are thousands of families who have applied and are waiting for their parent visas. The wait has been prolonged for more than six years now. But still, families see no progress in this matter. On top of that, New Zealand Parent Visa delayed again this time thus it has created distress in the families living in this land. Many families opt to move to some other country or back to their homeland due to their prolonged wait and no hopes.
However, Immigration Minister Kris Faafoi hinted about reviewing and reopening the parent residence visa. According to him, the application review process will start in the second half of 2022. Thus, there is a ray of hope.