

US Sees Record-High Speed in Citizenship Processing

United States
#citizenship #permanentresidence

The United States is currently processing citizenship petitions at the quickest rate in over a decade. This increase in efficiency follows a huge backlog from the Trump administration and pandemic-related delays. Every week, thousands of immigrants become US citizens via ceremonies staged in courthouses, convention centres, and sports arenas across the country.

This faster processing means that many new citizens will be able to vote in the 2018 presidential election. States with a large number of new voters, such as Georgia, Arizona, Nevada, and Pennsylvania, are critical battlegrounds for both major parties.

Impact of Recent Policy Changes

During the Trump administration, naturalization processing times doubled due to tougher reviews and more scrutiny. The delay stopped around 300,000 potential voters from participating in the 2020 election. However, since President Biden assumed office, considerable modifications have been implemented to speed up the process.

In 2021, Biden signed an executive order that reversed several of the previous administration's initiatives. This directive sought to minimize processing times and restore efficiency to the naturalization procedure.

The Biden administration implemented new technology, hired additional workers, and reduced the citizenship application from 20 to 14 pages. They also increased the application price to $710 while making it easier for low-income people to get a reduction.

As a result, the average time to process naturalization applications is currently less than five months. This is comparable to the efficiency levels achieved in 2013 and 2014. In the first nine months of the current fiscal year, US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) processed applications in an average of 4.9 months, compared to 11.5 months in fiscal 2021.

Electoral Implications of Faster Processing

Speedier processing is more than just eliminating the backlog. It has important electoral repercussions. The forthcoming presidential election will allow many newly naturalized citizens to vote for the first time. This might potentially change the electorate in important states.

In Savannah, Georgia, for example, immigrants from 19 nations recently swore the oath of loyalty in a federal courtroom. For many, such as Gladis Brown of Honduras, the quick processing allows them to register and vote in the 2024 election. "My case was done in less than six months," she remarked, emphasizing the new system's quickness.

According to Xiao Wang, CEO of Boundless, an immigration aid business, the spike in naturalizations is more than just a clearing of old cases. It is also about influencing future elections. "Every citizenship application could be a vote that decides Senate seats or even the presidency," Wang suggested.

During Biden's administration, approximately 3.3 million immigrants were granted US citizenship. This new generation of citizens is likely to have a significant impact on future elections, demonstrating the effectiveness of the administration's recent reforms.


How does the Biden administration's approach to citizenship vary from the Trump administration's?

The Biden administration prioritized eliminating backlogs and expediting the naturalization process, whereas the Trump administration implemented harsher requirements and quadrupled processing times. Biden's programs attempted to improve the efficiency of the legal immigration system.

What problems do newly naturalized citizens face when voting?

Despite having the right to vote, many new citizens struggle to register and receive election information. Organizations like the NALEO Educational Fund assist these persons in navigating the voting process.


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