Cyprus Permanent Residence Permit is a legal status that allows non-EU individuals and their eligible dependents to come and stay in Cyprus permanently with no restrictions. Since it never expires, there is no need to renew it. It's also a Cyprus immigration visa or a residency permit with no time limit. The visa is further categorized into various categories.
You are eligible for the Permanent Residence Permit under the following conditions.
The documentation may vary depending on the reason you are applying for. Some of these documents are mentioned below.
When to Apply
Within seven days of arriving in Cyprus, you should apply for a Temporary Residence Permit in the following departments.
Visa Processing Time
The processing period for your visa may vary depending on why you're applying. It can take a few months or even more.
How to Apply
The investor's lawyer can submit the permanent residency application, which is not required to be present at the time of submission. These applications are exclusively available at Nicosia's Civil Registry and Migration Department, not in the city's district immigration departments.
Following submission, applicants must provide a photo and fingerprints so that residence cards can be issued after approval. It can be done in any immigration district unit in any city at any point before the final approval.
The visa is allotted for an indefinite amount of time.
It may cost 70 EUR for a single applicant. You need to pay up to 500 EUR if you include a family with you.
There's no need to apply for this visa extension. But you may progress toward citizenship.
The visa is allotted to workers in Cyprus.
It is also specified for investment purposes.
Include family, if any.